818-216-7264 lynda@ljrcs.com


Hidden Profits Workshop

The barriers to profit are often “hidden” – otherwise competitive, profit-savvy executives would eradicate them immediately. Quietly leaking profits are inefficient processes especially in the Financial Supply Chain. Our Hidden Profits workshops use your teams and our expertise to plug the leaks.

Executive Services

Today business and information technology is changing quickly, there is a dizzying array of information about technology and business process. It becomes almost impossible for you as a busy executive to stay abreast of the options available to you. Our teleseminars and mastermind groups synthesize the information for you and present it in easy to understand terms.

Consulting Services

Do you need experts that can come in and work with your team for a specific period of time, but concerned about how to find someone. Perhaps, you have experienced problems before with consultants who only know technology or are strictly finance experts. Our consultants are business & technology savvy with more than 10 years experience.

Part-Time CIO Services

Information technology is critical to every business today. Yet a CIO is generally the last executive that a company will hire because it is not a full time position for many mid-market companies. Having a strategic executive or board member who is both technology and business savvy is critical to every business today. Our team of seasoned CIOs will work with you on a part-time basis

Lynda J. Roth

Lynda J. Roth

Digital Transformation Expert and Strategist

Digital Transformation is Business Transformation

Amazon has transformed  retail. Apple transformed the music industry. Google transformed information.  Uber transformed individual transportation.  Whatever industry you are in you are at risk if you are not addressing digital trends.  Lynda has spent her 40 year career guiding businesses through the stages of technology transformations.  Today she guides executives through defining new business models, identifying disruptive risks, defining new products & services, creating client communities, reframing traditional business functions, and identifying technological solutions to remain relevent and profitable in the 21st century digital economy. 

Lynda is the author of the forthcoming book, ‘Digital Transformation – How to Survive and Thrive in the Digital Economy’ and the host of the new podcast ‘Business Transformations for the Digital Economy’.  In the podcast Lynda explores companies that have stepped into their digital future, companies in the process and the technologies at the heart of the digital economy. 


Lynda knows her stuff!! Besides bringing her technical expertise to the table in implementing technology, she is also able to see the big picture from the organization’s view point. 

Netti Dewan


Lynda demystifies technology. She has a rare and unique combination of business sense and technology that allows her to speak to CEO’s in a language they can understand!  

Dwayne Sode

Business Performance Consultant

Lynda brought a depth of knowledge and high level of organization into our LEAN project. Her ability to summarize complex issues and drive design teams was a huge help in getting these processes off the ground.   

Mike Ballerini

CIO, Salem Media Group